Get Started in 5 steps:

1. Download the VisualNovelJS files:
2. Add the files to your webpage:
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="visaul-novel.min.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="visual-novel.min.js" ></script>

3. Create the file "myVisualNovel.js" and add it to your webpage:
<script type="text/javascript" src="myVisualNovel.js" ></script>

4. Open the created file (myVisualNovel.js), add the code below, and save it:
// Create Visual Novel:
// HTML element id = getting-started-vn
// Width = 800
// Height = 600
// Images location = img/
var vn = new VisualNovel( "getting-started-vn", 800, 600, "img/" );


// Title
vn.setNovelTitle( "Visual Novel JS", "getting started" );

// Start screen settings
vn.setStartScreenBgColor( "black" );
vn.setStartScreenMenuPos( 550, 500 );

// Background
vn.setBgColor( "black" );

// Dialog settings
vn.setDialogBgColor( "white" );
vn.setDialogTextColor( "black" );

vn.say( "Me", "Hello World" );
vn.say( "World", "Hi Me" );

// Go back to start screen

5. Add the div for your novel on the webpage
<div id="getting-started-vn"></div>

That's it! To learn more, view the examples or read the docs

Example code:

	var vn = new VisualNovel( "getting-started-vn", 800, 600, "img/" );


	vn.setNovelTitle( "Visual Novel JS", "getting started", 300, 100 );

	vn.setStartScreenBgColor( "black" );
	vn.setStartScreenMenuPos( 550, 500 );

	vn.setBgColor( "black" );

	vn.setDialogBgColor( "white" );
	vn.setDialogTextColor( "black" );

	vn.say( "Me", "Hello World" );
	vn.say( "World", "Hi Me");


Create a visual novel instance:
var vn = new VisualNovel(
    "getting-started-vn", // id of div html element
    800, 600,             // width, height
    "img/"                // location of images

Set the novel title:
vn.setNovelTitle( "Visual Novel JS", "getting started" );

Set the start screen background color / image:
vn.setStartScreenBgColor( "black" );
    "bg/market.jpg", // path to image
    800, 600         // width, height

Set the start screen menu position:
vn.setStartScreenMenuPos( 400, 400 ); // x, y position

Set the novel background color / image:
vn.setBgColor( "black" );
    "bg/market.jpg", // path to image
    800, 600,        // background width, height
    800, 600         // background size css

Set the dialog background color:
vn.setDialogBgColor( "white" );

Set the dialog text color:
vn.setDialogTextColor( "black" );

Define a Character:
var nao = {
    name: "Naoto Shirogane",
    nameStyle: "color: darkblue;",
    width: 600,
    height: 600,
    image: {
        "default" : "character/na0_base0.png",
        "happy" : "character/na1_base0.png",
        "sad" : {
            "src" : "character/na0.png",
            "position" : "-100px 990px"
    pos: {
        x : 1.0,
        y : 0.007
    dialog: {
        image: "character/na1_pe_000.png",
        nextImage: "character/na1_pe_010.png",
        imageDelay: 5000,
        height: 100,
        location: "left",
        button: {
            text: "...",
            image: "icon/play1.png",
            imageHover: "icon/play2.png",
            bgColor: "transparent",
            bgColorHover: "white",
            width: 20,
            height: 20
  • name ( string )
  • width ( int )
  • height ( int )
  • image ( string / object )
  • pos ( object )
  • nameStyle ( string )
  • dialog ( object )
Say line/s:
 * say line,
 * and show button ( to go to next line )
vn.say( "Me", "Hello World" );

 * say line,
 * and add delay before saying next line
vn.say( "Me", "Hello World", 1000 );

 * say multiple lines,
 * show button for each line
vn.say( "Me", [
] );

 * say multiple lines,
 * add delay before saying 2nd line
 * show button on 2nd line
vn.say( "Me", [
    "Hello", 1000,
] );

 * say multiple lines,
 * add delay before saying 2nd line
 * include previous line when showing 2nd line
 * show button on 2nd line
vn.say( "Me", [
    "Hello", 1000,
    "World", true
] );

var choices = [
        label : "Choice 1",
        action : function() {
            // add code here
    // add more choices here

        "pos": {
            "x": 0.5,
            "y": 0.5
        "img": {
            "image": "character/lin.png",
            "width": 100,
            "height": 100

Add a condition ( =, >, <, != ):
vn.setValue( "answer", "true" );

vn.addCondition( "answer", "=", "true",
    function success() {

        vn.say( char, "That's right!" );

    function fail() {

        vn.say( char, "Too bad!" );


Add loop:
 * Character animation
vn.loop( "lin", true, function() {

    vn.setCharacterImage( lin, "sleep" );

    setTimeout( function() {
        vn.setCharacterImage( lin, "happy" );
    }, 200 );

}, 5000 );

 * Scene object animation
vn.addObjectToScene( "s1",
    { width: 10, height: 10, color: "blue" },
    { x: 0.5, y: 0.2, z: 0 }, 0

vn.loop( "object1", true, function() {

    vn.setSceneObjectPosition( "s1",
        0, 0.1, 0, // x, y, z position
        3000	   // duration

    vn.setSceneObjectFade( "s1",
        "out",	// fade out
        3000	// duration

    vn.setSceneObjectRotation( "s1",
        "y",	// axis
        45,	// angle
        10,	// duration
        false	// rotate continuously

    setTimeout( function() {

        vn.setSceneObjectPosition( "s1",
            0, -0.1, 0, // x, y, z position
            3000	    // duration

        vn.setSceneObjectFade( "s1",
            "in",	// fade in
            3000	// duration

        vn.setSceneObjectRotation( "s1",
            "y",	// axis
            -45,	// angle
            10,	// duration
            false	// rotate continuously

    }, 5000 );

}, 10000 );

Clear loop:
vn.clearLoop( "lin" );

Move Scene:
// x, y, z, duration
vn.moveScene( 0, 0, 100, 1000 );
Rotate Scene:
// axis, angle, speed, loop rotation
vn.rotateScene( "z", 45, 100, false );
Add scene text:
vn.addTextToScene( "thanks",
    "Thanks for watching",
        x : 0.5, y : 0, z : 0.4,
        width : 300, height : 50,
        size : 50,
        color : "black",
        fade : 500
    }, 500 );

Fade in/out scene text:
// text, fade in, duration
vn.fadeSceneText( "thanks", "in", 500 );

// text, fade out, duration
vn.fadeSceneText( "thanks", "out", 500 );

Remove scene text:
vn.removeSceneText( "thanks" );

Add scene object:
// name, imageInfo, position, delay, fadeInfo
    { width: 100, height: 200, path: "tarot/fool.png" },
    { x: 0.5, y: 0, z: 0.15 },
    { duration: 500, from: 0, to: 1 }

Fade in/out scene object:
// scene object, fade in, duration
vn.fadeSceneObject( "fool", "in", 500 );

// scene object, fade out, duration
vn.fadeSceneObject( "fool", "out", 500 );

Move scene object:
// object name, x, y, z, move duration, delay before next event
vn.moveSceneObject( "fool", 0.5, 0.1, 0, 1000, 0 );

Rotate scene object:
// object name, axis, angle, duration, rotate continuously
vn.rotateSceneObject( "fool", "y", 1, 0, true );

// clear object rotation if set to rotate continuously
vn.resetSceneObject( "fool", "rotate" );

Remove scene object:
vn.removeSceneObject( "fool" );

Add a custom event:
// To create an event:
// vn.createEvent( type, event, delay )

// @type = wait / no wait
// @event = function
// @delay = delay in milliseconds for nowait type events

// wait = wait for nextEvent call before proceeding
    function myEvent() {

        // do something

        // continue to next event

// nowait = proceed to next event after calling myEvent
    function myEvent() {

        // do something


Basic examples:

Full Examples:


Goal:   simplify visual novel creation on a webpage


Proposed features: